Friday, September 21, 2007

Why I Started This Blog

I have wanted to start blogging for some time now. But I was torn between wanting to get my thoughts out there and not wanting a bunch of strangers I didn't know judging me.

The purpose of this blog is...well, I don't know what it is. I suppose it's partly to just write my thoughts about what I call my "spanking thing", how I came to actually let this part of me come out and play and my thoughts on the spanking scene in general. No, not all of it is likable in my opinion and, of course, there are some aspects of it that just "aren't me". And I've learned over the last five years that that's ok. There are as many different reasons to be into spanking as there are people who spank or get spanked.
If you look online or join spanking groups there are a lot of people who are into the "Romance of Discipline", the fantasy aspect of it, and that's ok. There are others who like the punishment, who want to be held accountable to someone who will punish them if they don't behave to certain standards. That's ok, too. I have spent the last five years in the scene trying to figure out where I belong in all this. I certainly don't fit the two categories I mentioned. Nothing would ruin the scene for me more than some man thinking he can boss me around, tell me what to do, and then "punish" me if I get out of line. That's what I had my dad for and, I believe, he raised me pretty well. So that one definitely doesn't fit. As for the "romance" of spanking, well, I don't subscribe to that one, either.
For me, spanking isn't about punishment, sex, purging guilt, or wanting to feel inferior to someone else. For me, spanking is fun. It is just that simple. And I wanted to be able to find someplace to post my thoughts on some of the fun I've had and some of the times I've played where it wasn't so fun. I hope anyone who reads this will post their thoughts.


Purple Angel said...

Welcome Cigi,
Love what you have to say and I assure you I will be visiting your blog frequently. Thanks for stopping by my place, you are welcome at any time!!
Purple Angel

Dave said...

Welcome Cigi to the spankosphere/blogosphere :-))


Naughtybuttcute said...

Hi Cigi,

Welcome and bright greetings. I like your interesting perspective on spanking. It is quite ironic that the group of people who are often judged (the spankos) turn around and judge someone who doesn't quite fit their kink. Excuse the use of the word there. Its one of my favorite adjectives.


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